Views expressed in comments are not necessarily those of Astbury Diary.
Entry for 29 March 1831: the opening of the Exeter Hall in the Strand erected for Religious Scientific Literary Meetings. Sir Thomas Baring Bart. in the chair. Received a ticket at the entrance for the raised seats sat there some time thence obtained admission went to the platform ultimately in the seats below. there 20 minutes past 12 to 4 oc when the meeting concluded. An exceedingly reviving scene prospect for the best interests of mankind. The meeting after Sir Thomas Barings address was opened concluded with prayer singing - the prayers by the Rev Daniel Wilson of Islington the Rev Dr Morison of Brompton there were several excellent speeches by 1st speaker 2 Cunningham of Harrow - but I was most impressed edified by that of Drummond the Banker that of the Rev Baptist Noel. William Copeland Astbury (Camden Town) 8th October 2012 @ 12:40pm
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Views expressed in comments are not necessarily those of Astbury Diary.
Entry for 29 March 1831: the opening of the Exeter Hall in the Strand erected for Religious Scientific Literary Meetings. Sir Thomas Baring Bart. in the chair. Received a ticket at the entrance for the raised seats sat there some time thence obtained admission went to the platform ultimately in the seats below. there 20 minutes past 12 to 4 oc when the meeting concluded. An exceedingly reviving scene prospect for the best interests of mankind. The meeting after Sir Thomas Barings address was opened concluded with prayer singing - the prayers by the Rev Daniel Wilson of Islington the Rev Dr Morison of Brompton there were several excellent speeches by 1st speaker 2 Cunningham of Harrow - but I was most impressed edified by that of Drummond the Banker that of the Rev Baptist Noel.
William Copeland Astbury (Camden Town) 8th October 2012 @ 12:40pm
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