Spode and Copeland



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From the diary entry for 22 June 1848:
On to the warehouse: saw W. T. Copeland he said that he was sorry he had asked me to come as I was unwell that as Brind was going into the city he should take the money to the bankers
He said they would soon clear out from the Warehouse. Gribbon said Look over it I did so up to the top floor. On second floor went into the old i.e. former Tea pot room. And 3rd floor round to where the old but long since removed turret was ascended. The fittings up everywhere are taken down making a great collection of wood.
I was told that to-day the warehouse is to be given up keys. W.T.C. appeared cheerful so did his solicitor Randall.
Being still unwell I determined to go down the river. Went per Steam boat to near London Bridge. Took a biscuit water gill of port at Old Shades for dinner having no desire for anything more substantial.
William Copeland Astbury (Fulham) 8th October 2012 @ 8:41am

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